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How to Filter your Saved Properties
How to Filter your Saved Properties
Ben Self avatar
Written by Ben Self
Updated over a week ago

Once you've added properties to your BatchLeads account, you can utilize detailed filters in "My Lists" to find exactly what you're looking for!

We have several learning options available: An interactive demo , a full video walkthrough and a written article. Simply scroll through this guide to find your preferred learning method.

Interactive Demo

Full Video Walkthrough

Written Artice

Go to "My Lists" in your menu to see all the addresses saved within your account.You can utilize the "quick filters" by clicking the thunderbolt icon, or open the detailed filters by clicking the "Filter" button at the top of the screen.

There are endless ways to find what you need in your account through filters. You can use them to locate:

  • Specific lists and tags you've saved properties under

  • Properties on multiple lists to find the most motivated sellers using the list/tag count

  • Properties with a certain "Lead Score" (prior set up required in your profile) Click HERE to learn more

  • Properties that are/are not vacant or "newly vacant"

  • Properties that do/do not have a vacant mailing address

  • Saved properties that do/do not have an absentee owner

  • Properties you have or have not skip traced ( this also includes addresses you skip traced outside of BatchLeads )

  • Properties you have or have not opted out

  • Properties you are or are not self managing

  • Properties with specific lead statuses you've set (new feature!)

  • Specific criteria like date added, location of properties etc. using conditional filters

Section 1 : LISTS & TAGS

In the example below, the user has selected "included" under lists, then selected 2 lists saved in their account (preforeclosures and high equity). They also chose to "exclude" their "Sent Text Message" tag. Once they click "apply filter" at the bottom, the system will "include" both the preforeclosure and high equity lists but will "exclude" any properties that they tagged with "Sent Text Message".

  • Included - The system will include properties saved under the lists/tags you choose to view at the same time

  • Excluded - The system will exclude any properties saved under your choice of list/tag from your view

The example below now shows the user has selected "exclusively", then kept the same lists selected (preforeclosures and vacant). Once they click "apply filter" at the bottom, the system will cross reference both lists and only show properties that are "exclusively" on BOTH their preforeclosures AND vacant list. Properties that come up after filtering may also be on other lists, but no matter what, they must at least be on all of the lists selected.

  • Exclusively - The system will find properties that are exclusively on the lists you specified

Section 2 : LIST / TAG COUNT

These are great filters to use when targeting properties in your account saved under multiple lists / tags. We call this "list stacking"! Stacking your lists or tags together will help you locate property owners with the highest motivation and properties with the most pain. Doing this will ultimately bring your cost per lead / cost per contract down in the long run. Learn more about List Stacking HERE

In the example below, the user has adjusted the "list count" bar to only show properties saved on 3 or more lists once they click "apply filter". If the area above for filtering lists and tags is clear, the system will cross reference ALL the lists in your account. You could even put a "high equity" filter on top of this to find properties that are on 3 or more lists but are ALSO vacant!

After filtering using the "list count" or "tag count", you'll be able to see the number of lists and tags an address is saved under. You can even use the tiny arrow buttons (right next to "list count" and circled in the image below) to switch the order from greatest to least/vice versa). You're able to click on an address to open the details, and you'll be able to view exactly what lists/tags the property is on!

If you want to take a closer look at the lists a property falls under, click on an address (highlighted in image above on the left)

and click on the "lists/tags" tab! (shown below) For example, the property open in the image below is on this users High Equity, Vacant and Tired Landlord lists!! Talk about motivation!

Section 3: Lead Score (feature only available in Personal plus plans and higher)

Lead Scoring is an amazing feature you can set up within your profile settings. It's designed to help you prioritize your daily outreach on the opportunities that meet your ideal criteria based on the rules and points you assign. Click HERE to learn more

Section 4 : ADDITIONAL FILTERS ( vacant, skip traced, etc. )

See the image below to view all the additional filters.

  • Property Vacant - BatchLeads vacant data is updated monthly and is backed by the United States Postal Service (USPS) so you can find all the properties saved in your account that are or are not currently vacant. You also have the ability to filter out "newly vacant" properties. The data is updated anywhere from the 1st to the 5th of each month, so if it were, for example the 12th on May and you filtered "newly vacant" properties, the system would locate all addresses that became newly vacant as of the month of April.

  • Mailing Vacant - Locate properties with vacant mailing addresses.

  • Absentee - Find out which addresses have owners that currently reside at the property they own or not (if they are absent from the property they own), as well as if they are absent from that property but still in state or completely out of state.

  • Skip Traced - Locate the property addresses you have or have not skip traced yet. (This included any properties you imported that you skip traced outside of BatchLeads). Skip tracing an address will locate the property owners' contact information like cell phone numbers, landlines and email addresses.

  • Has Phone Numbers - This filter will help you find the properties you may have imported manually that you already had the phone numbers on and did not skip trace within BatchLeads

  • Opted Out - Find properties you have or have not opted out ( addresses you have placed a sort of invisibility cloak over to avoid marketing to them )

  • Self - Managed - You can locate properties you may have decided to self-manage ( BatchLeads won't automatically update your property records if they are self managed. This is done manually when you import a new list of probates for example).

Section 5: Lead Status

All of your properties will begin with a "New" leads status, but you have the ability to change these! There is no right or wrong way to use these, they only provide a unique way to categorize your leads and organize them in a new way. To change a lead status on a property, click on an address (highlighted in the example below).

Once you select an address and are viewing the property details, you can change the "lead status" to whatever you prefer in the top right-hand corner! ( This is completely up to you, so make it your own! )

Once you start utilizing lead statuses, you can open your filters and find specific properties you've placed under certain statuses!


Adding conditional filters are great for finding properties with even more specific criteria, like date added, the property owners' name, property address, phone numbers etc. There is also a blue addition button available to add multiple conditional filters!

Section 7: Quick Filters

Your quick filters will always be changing as BatchLeads is constantly updating your saved data and categorizing it for you. Based off the data you're currently viewing, these will tell you exactly what going on with the properties and you can simply click on the quick filter of your choosing to view the properties it has categorized for you!

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