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BatchDialer Best Practices
Written by RevOps
Updated over a week ago

To get started in BatchDialer, you'll need to set up the following and certain steps have best practices which can improve your connectivity tremendously!!

1. Purchase Phone Numbers (We recommend making no more than 100 dials per day per number)

- We recommend registering your numbers with the Phone Providers

- We recommend importing no more than 3-5 numbers per contact - When you skip trace your contacts, the top 3-5 will always be the most accurate

Recommended Campaign Settings:

Phone Numbers

Make no more than 100 dials per day (+30%) per phone number

Simultaneous Dials per Agent (multi-line users)

Use no more than 3 lines

Call Connect Type

Should be on Automatic Answer

Max Attempts Per Record

Do not attempt calling the same person more than 3 times in one day

Retry Time

Do not retry calling a contact again in under 3 hours

Abandonment Timeout (seconds)

Leave this at 30 seconds

How does BatchDialer categorize my calls?

In the administrator "Main" dashboard you'll find several points of information breaking down your calls

- Outbound Calls - This will show the total outbound calls made based on what you filtered

- Connected Calls - How many of calls made were connected with a contact

- Average Call Duration - How long connected calls last on average

- Average Agent Wait Time - How long your agents wait to be connected with a contact on average

Abandon Rate - The percentage of contacts that are being dropped off on calls. This includes:

- If you have a multi line dialer account and are dialing multiple people at once, the system will connect you to whoever answers first and the others will be marked as "abandoned"

- If a contact hangs up while your call is in progress, they will be marked as "abandoned"

- Active Campaigns - This will show you how many campaigns are currently being actively dialed on

- Leads Generated - How many contacts turned into "Leads" - this is based on call results used at the end of a connected call. If a call result (like "successful sale") has a rule to "mark as lead" it will show here.

- Connect Rate - The percentage of calls being connected to the following :

(this is calculated by dividing your "connected calls" number by your "outbound calls" number, then by multiplying it by 100 to get your percentage.

- A live contact

- a voicemail

We consider a minimum of 15% - 20% and higher to be good connectivity. This can vary based on several factors, such as how good your phone numbers are, how many phone numbers you're using in a campaign, if your contact list has quality information, campaign settings etc.

- Dialing Time - How long your team has dialed in total based on the filters you set (like date range etc)

- Average Calls Per Agent - How many calls each agent is making on average

- Calls Per Connect - How many calls it take to connect with a contact on average

- Voicemails Reached - How many contacts' voicemails have been reached in total (this will include answering machines marked by the system)

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