The first thing you'll see when you log into your BatchDialer account is your Dashboard. This will only show you data based off of your own account and not any other agents on your team!
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Click on the 4 box icon in your menu to visit your dashboard at anytime. You can use the date filter near the top right hand corner to filter the dates you'd like to view averages on (pointed out in the image below).
Average Call Duration - How long your calls last on average
Average Wait Time - How long it takes for you to be connected to a contact on average
Average Abandon Time - How long it takes for a call to be dropped on average
Talking Time - How long you spend on an connected call with a contact on average
Total Calls - How many calls you have made
Active Campaigns - How many campaigns are actively being dialed
Remaining Leads - How many contacts are left to call in the campaigns
Near the bottom of the same page, you'll see more information broken down for you.
Call Results - Here you can filter which campaign you'd like to view then see which call results you're using the most on how many calls you've made
Calls Location - Where you're making call into geographically
Average Call Duration and Total calls will be shown again in a graph.