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How to Create a Voicemail in BatchDialer
How to Create a Voicemail in BatchDialer
Ben Self avatar
Written by Ben Self
Updated over 5 months ago

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As an administrator, start by clicking on your name in the top right hand corner then go to "settings". From there, go to "voicemail" on the left.

Click on "New Voicemail" in the top right hand corner. Name your voicemail then choose where you'd like to have voicemails left sent (you will also receive voicemails in your account - click here to learn more).

If you already have an audio recording you'd like to use, choose it. If not, click on "add new".

Name your new recording. Choose whether you'd like to upload an audio clip from your computer (maybe if you'd like to make specific voicemails for your agents), Record your audio here or choose "text to speech".

In the example below, the user has chosen to record audio. if you choose this, click "record audio" then the red record button and start speaking. Once done, click the stop button and "save" when you're done!

After your recording is attached, click "Save" to finish! Now you can use it for inbound call queues and more!

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