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How to perform geo-coordinate searches
How to perform geo-coordinate searches
Written by Kuldeep Shitole
Updated over 2 months ago

In BatchData property search api there is another amazing way to search for properties which works around geo-coordinates. Here are some of them:

  • geoLocationDistance

  • geoLocationBoundingBox

  • geoLocationPolygon

  • initialGeoStatus

  • geoStatus

1. geoLocationDistance

Batch Data allows you to search for properties in a radius of certain distance from a particular location of map. For this type of search we need to use geoLocationDistance option in the searchCriteria. geoLocationDistance expects two inputs geoPoint which is a geolocation in terms of latitude & longitude. For the radius from the geolocation you can use multiple options distanceMeters , distanceKilometers, distanceFeet, distanceYards & distanceMiles which is going to be a numberic value.

E.g. Searching for properties within 5 miles radius from a geolocation looks as below:

"searchCriteria": {
"address": {
"geoLocationDistance": {
"geoPoint": {
"latitude": 33.44607127006081,
"longitude": -112.07385395154594,
"distanceMiles": 5

2. geoLocationBoundingBox

Batch Data also allows you to search for properties in a rectangular area on map defined by two geopoints. This requires you to use geoLocationBoundingBox filter which seeks two inputs nwGeoPoint (north west geo point) & seGeoPoint (south east geo point) which are pair of latitude & longitude.

E.g. Searching for properties within a rectangle defined by two geo points can be achieved as below:

"searchCriteria": {
"address": {
"geoLocationBoundingBox": {
"nwGeoPoint": {
"latitude": 33.5174191396122,
"longitude": -112.20351715416759
"seGeoPoint": {
"latitude": 33.33403536533079,
"longitude": -111.96181793541759

3. geoLocationPolygon

Batch Data does not restrict your search for properties to a rectangular or circular area on map; it also allows you to search in a area polygon on map as well. This requires you to use geoLocationPolygon filter which seeks at least three distinct inputs as geoPoints in an array which are pairs of latitudes & longitudes.

[Please note that to make sure that the polygon you are providing coordinates is a closed polygonal shape; you need to repeat the first geo point again at the end which means that instead of 3 it will actually turn out to be four geo points]

E.g. Searching for properties within a polygon defined by 5 distinct geo points can be achieved as below:

"searchCriteria": {
"address": {
"geoLocationPolygon": {
"geoPoints": [
"latitude": 33.462215067222054,
"longitude": -112.18664636068601
"latitude": 33.3492934069225,
"longitude": -112.1914528792407
"latitude": 33.29306454094968,
"longitude": -112.13377465658445
"latitude": 33.29765601211365,
"longitude": -111.97584618978757
"latitude": 33.458777996534295,
"longitude": -111.98202599935789
"latitude": 33.462215067222054,
"longitude": -112.18664636068601

4. initialGeoStatus

Batch Data Search Property API also allows one to search for properties that have a certain Initial Geo Status (accuracy of the initial geo location of the property). To achieve this you need to use ginitialGeoStatus filter. This filter allows multiple ways to search for a geo status which are equals , contains , startsWith , endsWith, inList , notInList & matches.

E.g. To search for properties in Phoenix, Arizona that have initial geo status from a list the query should look as below:

"searchCriteria": {
"address": {
"query": "Phoenix, AZ",
"initialGeoStatus": {
"inList": [
"ZIP + 4 centroid",
"ZIP + 2 centroid",
"County Level",
"Interpolated Rooftop",
"Parcel Centroid",
"5-digit ZIP code centroid"

5. geoStatus

Batch Data Search Property API also allows one to search for properties that have a certain Geo Status (accuracy of the geo location of the property). To achieve this you need to use ginitialGeoStatus filter. This filter allows multiple ways to search for a geo status which are equals , contains , startsWith , endsWith, inList , notInList & matches.

E.g. To search for properties in Phoenix, Arizona that have geo status from a list the query should look as below:

"searchCriteria": {
"address": {
"query": "Phoenix, AZ",
"initialGeoStatus": {
"inList": [
"ZIP + 4 centroid",
"ZIP + 2 centroid",
"County Level",
"Interpolated Rooftop",
"Parcel Centroid",
"5-digit ZIP code centroid"

Important Options:

While using geo-coordinate searches it is important to understand the following options

  • areaPolygon : This option indicates whether the response object should contain the area polygon data or not. (possible values: true/false). Enabling this option (areaPolygon : true) will allow one to get geocoding polygon in the response. This enables you to show the area polygon on a map for your UI. areaPolygon returns values for polygons in terms of two values boundingBoxNw & boundingBoxSe which when combined form a polygon on the map.

  • boundingBoxNw : Is a geopoint containing latitude and longitude for the North-West point of the areaPolygon.

  • boundingBoxSe : Is a geopoint containing latitude and longitude for the South-East point of the areaPolygon.

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